The serial number of the first Chinese Squier Strats was stamped on the neck plate together with the words “MADE IN CHINA” and had the NC or YN (Yako Nineties) prefix, followed by six-digit number. The first two numbers provided the year of production.
The Affinity and Standard Squier guitars were unveiled in 1999. Those made in China featured a rosewood fretboard and was manufactured in the Yako plant with the serial number composed by CY (which stood for China Yako) prefix plus 5 or 6-digit number or in the Dallian Dong Fang plant with the serial number composed by CD (China Dalian) prefix plus 8 or 9-digit number. The fretted maple necks versions were made in Indonesia in the PT Cort factory and had the serial number which started with IC (Indonesia Cort).
The Squier Mini was manufactured in Indonesia in the PT Samick factory and had the serial number that started with IS (Indonesia Samick), although it featured a rosewood fretboard.
Chinese Grand Reward factory, which made Fender Modern Player, Squier Classic Vibe and a few Artist guitars, used both CGR, CGS and CGF at different periods. They started with CGR (China Grand Reward), but they changed from CGR to CGS (China Grand Reward Squier) for Squier branded Classic Vibe guitars when they started to make Fender branded Modern Player models, which had a CGF prefix (China Grand Reward Fender). In 2018, they used again CGR.
In 2002, Fender begin manufacturing the Squier SE Stratocaster included in the Squier Pak in their Chinese Axl factory. This guitar featured a serial number composed by “CAE” prefix followed by 10 digits in numerals.
Between 2007 and 2012, the Squier SE guitars were renewed and manufactured in the new Chinese Axl factory in Shanghai. The serial number changed to a 12-digit code, composed of a “CXS” prefix followed by a 9-digit number.
Furthermore, a few SE guitars featured an all-numeral 10-digit code.
In 2020 Squier started using also a serial number with a four-letter prefix. The first three letters are the country and factory code, whilst the last letter stands for the month of production and went from A (January) to L (December). Then, the first two numbers provide the year. The month code printed in the serial number does not match the date in Fender’s database because the dates on Fender’s site for Squiers are only the date when they got entered in the database, not the actual date of production by the factory. In fact, Asian factories don’t enter serial numbers in the database when they’re made. They only send a list of serial numbers to Fender and then Fender manually enters them in the database.
The Affinity and Standard Squier guitars were unveiled in 1999. Those made in China featured a rosewood fretboard and was manufactured in the Yako plant with the serial number composed by CY (which stood for China Yako) prefix plus 5 or 6-digit number or in the Dallian Dong Fang plant with the serial number composed by CD (China Dalian) prefix plus 8 or 9-digit number. The fretted maple necks versions were made in Indonesia in the PT Cort factory and had the serial number which started with IC (Indonesia Cort).
The Squier Mini was manufactured in Indonesia in the PT Samick factory and had the serial number that started with IS (Indonesia Samick), although it featured a rosewood fretboard.
Chinese Grand Reward factory, which made Fender Modern Player, Squier Classic Vibe and a few Artist guitars, used both CGR, CGS and CGF at different periods. They started with CGR (China Grand Reward), but they changed from CGR to CGS (China Grand Reward Squier) for Squier branded Classic Vibe guitars when they started to make Fender branded Modern Player models, which had a CGF prefix (China Grand Reward Fender). In 2018, they used again CGR.
In 2002, Fender begin manufacturing the Squier SE Stratocaster included in the Squier Pak in their Chinese Axl factory. This guitar featured a serial number composed by “CAE” prefix followed by 10 digits in numerals.
Between 2007 and 2012, the Squier SE guitars were renewed and manufactured in the new Chinese Axl factory in Shanghai. The serial number changed to a 12-digit code, composed of a “CXS” prefix followed by a 9-digit number.
Furthermore, a few SE guitars featured an all-numeral 10-digit code.
In 2020 Squier started using also a serial number with a four-letter prefix. The first three letters are the country and factory code, whilst the last letter stands for the month of production and went from A (January) to L (December). Then, the first two numbers provide the year. The month code printed in the serial number does not match the date in Fender’s database because the dates on Fender’s site for Squiers are only the date when they got entered in the database, not the actual date of production by the factory. In fact, Asian factories don’t enter serial numbers in the database when they’re made. They only send a list of serial numbers to Fender and then Fender manually enters them in the database.
Prefixes of Squier guitars made in China
With “Made in China”, on the Neck Plate
The first figures of a following 6-digit number provides year of production
Used between: Late 1994-1997 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet SRS, Tradition
Factory: Yako
NC5 + 5-Digit Number = 1995
With “Made in China”, on the Neck Plate
The first figures of a following 6-digit number provides year of production
Used between: 1996 and 1997 ca.
Usually used on: Tradition, Affinity Prima serie
Factory: Yako (Y=Yako, N=Nienties)
YN6 + 5-Digit Number = 1995-1996
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by da 8-9 numbers
The first two figures of the following numbers provide year of production
Note: Between 2002 and 2008 ca. sometimes also the first figure provides year of production, too
Used between: 1998 and 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity, Deluxe, Standard
Factory: Yako (C=China, Y=Yako)
CY98 + 6-Digit Number = 1998-1999
CY02 + 6-Digit Number = 2001
CY2 + 7-Digit Number = 2002 (Anniversary Neck Plate)
CY04 + 6-Digit Number = 2004-2005
CY4 + 7-Digit Number = 2004-2005
CY12 + 7-Digit Number = 2012-2013
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
In 1998-1999
Factory: Dallian Dong Fang (C=China, D=Dallian)
CD99 + 6-Digit Number = 1999 ca.
The first figure of the following numbers provides year of production
Factory: Yako
The first figure of the following numbers provides year of production
Factory: Axl (C=China, A=Axl)
On a sticker on the back of the headstock
With “Made in China” on a sticker at the base of the neck
Followed by 10 numbers, usually included between CAE-001 and CAE-005 series.
The third number (not the second) provide the year of production
Used between: 2002 and 2006 ca.
Used on: Squier SE-100
Factory: Axl
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 10 numbers, usually included between CXS 01 and CXS 12 series
Serial Number not related to the year of production
Used between: 2007 and 2012 ca.
Used on: Squier SE Special and California Series
Factory: Axl, Shanghai factory (C=China, X=Axl, S=Squier)
On a sticker on the back of the headstock
With “Made in China” on a sticker at the base of the neck
Followed by 7 numbers
Used in: 2006 and 2007, respectively
Usually used on: Squier SE-100 and SE Special
Factory: Axl
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2012 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet
Factory: Usually Cor-Tek
COS10 + 6-Digit Number = 2010-2011
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 9-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2012 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet
Factory: Usually Cor-Tek
COB08 + 7-digit number = 2008-2009
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 8 or 9 digit number, the first two figures provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2009 ca.
Usually used on: Artist, Classic Vibe
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, S=Squier)
CGR08 + 7-Digit Number = 2008-2009
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 7, 8 or 9 digit number, the first two figures provide year of production
Used between: 2009 and 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Artist, Classic Vibe
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, S=Squier)
CGS09 + 7-Digit Number = 2009-2010
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 7-digit number provide year of production
"F" stands for Fender
Used between: 2012 and 2014
Used on: Modern Player
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, F=Fender)
CGF11 + 5-Digit Number = 2011-2012
With “Made in China”, on the Neck Plate
The first figures of a following 6-digit number provides year of production
Used between: Late 1994-1997 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet SRS, Tradition
Factory: Yako
NC5 + 5-Digit Number = 1995
With “Made in China”, on the Neck Plate
The first figures of a following 6-digit number provides year of production
Used between: 1996 and 1997 ca.
Usually used on: Tradition, Affinity Prima serie
Factory: Yako (Y=Yako, N=Nienties)
YN6 + 5-Digit Number = 1995-1996
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by da 8-9 numbers
The first two figures of the following numbers provide year of production
Note: Between 2002 and 2008 ca. sometimes also the first figure provides year of production, too
Used between: 1998 and 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity, Deluxe, Standard
Factory: Yako (C=China, Y=Yako)
CY98 + 6-Digit Number = 1998-1999
CY02 + 6-Digit Number = 2001
CY2 + 7-Digit Number = 2002 (Anniversary Neck Plate)
CY04 + 6-Digit Number = 2004-2005
CY4 + 7-Digit Number = 2004-2005
CY12 + 7-Digit Number = 2012-2013
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
In 1998-1999
Factory: Dallian Dong Fang (C=China, D=Dallian)
CD99 + 6-Digit Number = 1999 ca.
The first figure of the following numbers provides year of production
Factory: Yako
The first figure of the following numbers provides year of production
Factory: Axl (C=China, A=Axl)
On a sticker on the back of the headstock
With “Made in China” on a sticker at the base of the neck
Followed by 10 numbers, usually included between CAE-001 and CAE-005 series.
The third number (not the second) provide the year of production
Used between: 2002 and 2006 ca.
Used on: Squier SE-100
Factory: Axl
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 10 numbers, usually included between CXS 01 and CXS 12 series
Serial Number not related to the year of production
Used between: 2007 and 2012 ca.
Used on: Squier SE Special and California Series
Factory: Axl, Shanghai factory (C=China, X=Axl, S=Squier)
On a sticker on the back of the headstock
With “Made in China” on a sticker at the base of the neck
Followed by 7 numbers
Used in: 2006 and 2007, respectively
Usually used on: Squier SE-100 and SE Special
Factory: Axl
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2012 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet
Factory: Usually Cor-Tek
COS10 + 6-Digit Number = 2010-2011
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 9-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2012 ca.
Usually used on: Bullet
Factory: Usually Cor-Tek
COB08 + 7-digit number = 2008-2009
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 8 or 9 digit number, the first two figures provide year of production
Used between: 2008 and 2009 ca.
Usually used on: Artist, Classic Vibe
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, S=Squier)
CGR08 + 7-Digit Number = 2008-2009
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
Followed by 7, 8 or 9 digit number, the first two figures provide year of production
Used between: 2009 and 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Artist, Classic Vibe
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, S=Squier)
CGS09 + 7-Digit Number = 2009-2010
With “Crafted in China”, on the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 7-digit number provide year of production
"F" stands for Fender
Used between: 2012 and 2014
Used on: Modern Player
Factory: Grand Reward
(C=China, G=Grand Reward, F=Fender)
CGF11 + 5-Digit Number = 2011-2012
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Factory: Grand Reward (C=China, GR= Grand Reward factory)
CGRK08 + 6-Digit Number = 2008-2009
CGRL09 + 6-Digit Number = 2009-2010
CGRB20 + 6-Digit Number = 2020-2021
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity
Factory: Axl, Shanghai factory
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity
Factory: Yako
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Contemporary
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used between: 2018 and 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Mass Market Series
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Factory: Grand Reward (C=China, GR= Grand Reward factory)
CGRK08 + 6-Digit Number = 2008-2009
CGRL09 + 6-Digit Number = 2009-2010
CGRB20 + 6-Digit Number = 2020-2021
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity
Factory: Axl, Shanghai factory
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity
Factory: Yako
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used since: 2020 ca.
Usually used on: Contemporary
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
Used between: 2018 and 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Mass Market Series
Prefixes of Squier guitars made in Indonesia
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 1999-2009 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity, Pak, Standard (1999-2009), Deluxe (2005-2009), Graphic, Bullet
Factory: Cor-Tek (I=Indonesia, C=Cor-Tek)
IC99 + 6-Digit Number 1999-2000
IC00 + 6-Digit Number 2000-2001
IC08 + 7-Digit Number 2008-2009
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Often with a circular Inspection Sticker
Used until mid-2000s
Usually used on: Mini
Factory: Samick (I=Indonesia, S=Samick)
IS0 + 7-Digit Number = 2000-2001
IS9 + 7-Digit Number = 1999-2000
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
A few Squiers manufactured between 2009 and 2010 featured a 7-digit number
Factory: Cor-Tek
Used between: 2009-2020 ca.
Usually used on:
Affinity, Pak, Mini, Bullet, Deluxe, Standard, Vintage Modified (2009-2020), Classic Vibe (2019-2020)
ICS09 + 6-Digit Number = 2009-2010
ICS17 + 6-Digit Number = 2017-2018
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Factory: Cor-Tek (I=Indonesia, C=Cor-Tek, F=Fender)
Used Since 2008 ca.
Usually used on: Fender branded Indonesian guitars
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Often with a Circolar Inspection Sticker
Used between: 2000-2004 ca.
Usually used on: Mini, Bullet
Factory: Samick (S=Samick, I=Indonesia)
SI02 + 6-Digit Number = 2002-2003
SI04 + 7-Digit Number = 2004-2005
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 6 or 7-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2019-2020 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe
Factory: Samick
ISS19 + 4-Digit Number = 2019
ISS20 + 5-Digit Number = 2020
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 1999-2009 ca.
Usually used on: Affinity, Pak, Standard (1999-2009), Deluxe (2005-2009), Graphic, Bullet
Factory: Cor-Tek (I=Indonesia, C=Cor-Tek)
IC99 + 6-Digit Number 1999-2000
IC00 + 6-Digit Number 2000-2001
IC08 + 7-Digit Number 2008-2009
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Often with a circular Inspection Sticker
Used until mid-2000s
Usually used on: Mini
Factory: Samick (I=Indonesia, S=Samick)
IS0 + 7-Digit Number = 2000-2001
IS9 + 7-Digit Number = 1999-2000
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
A few Squiers manufactured between 2009 and 2010 featured a 7-digit number
Factory: Cor-Tek
Used between: 2009-2020 ca.
Usually used on:
Affinity, Pak, Mini, Bullet, Deluxe, Standard, Vintage Modified (2009-2020), Classic Vibe (2019-2020)
ICS09 + 6-Digit Number = 2009-2010
ICS17 + 6-Digit Number = 2017-2018
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Factory: Cor-Tek (I=Indonesia, C=Cor-Tek, F=Fender)
Used Since 2008 ca.
Usually used on: Fender branded Indonesian guitars
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 8 or 9-digit number provide year of production
Often with a Circolar Inspection Sticker
Used between: 2000-2004 ca.
Usually used on: Mini, Bullet
Factory: Samick (S=Samick, I=Indonesia)
SI02 + 6-Digit Number = 2002-2003
SI04 + 7-Digit Number = 2004-2005
With “Crafted in Indonesia”, On the back of the headstock
The first two figures of a following 6 or 7-digit number provide year of production
Used between: 2019-2020 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe
Factory: Samick
ISS19 + 4-Digit Number = 2019
ISS20 + 5-Digit Number = 2020
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
On the back of the headstock
Used since 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe
Factory: Samick
ISSI21 + 6-Digit Number = 2021
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
On the back of the headstock
Used since 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe, Affinity
Factory: Cor-Tek
ICSB21 + 6-Digit Number = 2021
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
On the back of the headstock
Used since 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe
Factory: Samick
ISSI21 + 6-Digit Number = 2021
The first two figures of a following 8-digit number provide year of production
Last letter = production month code
On the back of the headstock
Used since 2021 ca.
Usually used on: Classic Vibe, Affinity
Factory: Cor-Tek
ICSB21 + 6-Digit Number = 2021